Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The Krakow Klub & guest post by author Philip C. Elrod

The Thought Process Behind ‘The Krakow Klub’ by Philip C. Elrod

The basic idea of the Krakow Klub was conceived before the prequel novel Mylea: the journey begins. I have always been a student of American politics and often wondered it were possible for a well-funded and organized group to take over the government of the United States.

We are a nation of laws, a constitution and a separation of powers designed to make it difficult to usurp the system. But there is one fatal flaw in our system, and in all other systems based on its fundamental concepts; control the chief executive officer and a few carefully selected positions in the military and you have the potential to stage a subversive coup by simply declaring martial law and putting the military in temporary command.

Martial law in today’s world should be easy to justify – just stage a series of terrorist’s attacks and the populace would welcome martial law. Martial law once, declared sets the stage for a quick consolidation of power and the means to eliminate obstructions, both institutions and individual personnel.

In thinking this through it became obvious to me that such a plot, carefully crafted and executed over time could actually succeed, even in the United States of America.

Then, assuming such a coup was enacted, the question of how to stop it arose. After the plan had achieved the control to the White House, and the military, it would take a remarkable effort to stop it; whence John F. Scott, and his Mylean legacy.

John Scott is not an ordinary human being. He is part Mylean, and as such has access to powers based on alien technology. Mylea:the journey begins is a novel that describes the life of John Scott and how he came to have access to his powers.

The Krakow Klub is a novel of an attempt to take over the United States government by an international cabal of rich elitists. The plan has been at work for many years and they have control of the White House and many key high level military positions. John Scott has just started to live a so called normal life when his world is thrown into chaos by the Krakow Klub’s actions. He has the power to stop them, but he has never used his powers before and he must proceed with care that he does not unleash alien powers that he cannot ultimately control.

About the author:

Philip C. Elrod was born and raised in a small town atop Sand Mountain in Northeast Alabama. After serving with the military in Germany, he returned to the United States and continued his education at the University of Florida and Florida Southern College, majoring in Industrial Engineering and Economics.

Phil is a computer system analyst/designer and securities trader. He resides in Richardson, Texas with his wife and his two “bosses”, a Japanese Chin and a miniature Shih Tzu. His interests include writing, reading, astronomy, photography, outdoor cooking, and travel.

Phil enjoys writing science fiction thrillers. His debut novel Mylea: The Journey Begins is the prequel to the Mylean Universe Chronicles. It tells the story of a technologically advanced civilization and their desperate fight to survive a cosmic cataclysm. Ultimately, their epic journey brings them to Earth seeking the assistance of a unique earthling. The second book in the series, The Krakow Klub, deals with what the earthling does with his Mylean legacy. To learn more, go to

Readers can connect with Phil on Twitter and Goodreads.

Title:  The Krakow Klub
Series:  Mylean Universe Chronicles
Author:  Philip C. Elrod
Publication Date:  June 11/15
Length:  392pgs
Genre:  SciFi Thriller
Shelf:  review
Rating: ★★★

Back Cover Blurb:

The story of one man's attempt to live a normal life, even though he is not normal.
The United States government is under siege. A secretive cabal of super rich elitists, The Krakow Klub, has initiated the final phase of its long-range plan to take over the USA from within. They have achieved control of the Presidency and the military. Their puppet in the White House has declared martial law. The Congress, The Supreme Court and many other political leaders not under their control are slated for elimination.

Only one man has the power to stop The Krakow Klub. His name is John F. Scott and he appears to be an ordinary human being. But he is part alien. His power is based on alien technology. Can he be trusted to stop the takeover and return power to a lawful government afterwards? Can he control his power once he unleashes it? Can he control himself during the process? Will he take the risk? If so, at what price?

So many troubling questions, with few clear-cut answers.

Praise for The Krakow Klub:

“In this novel of power and its addiction, only the steadfast can walk this devious and treacherous path. The one who gives in to the power will be lost forever in its long maze. The Krakow Klub by Philip C. Elrod was very mesmerizing. It is actually quite scary because I can see something like that happening in the future. No one is safe from the lure of power and the Krakow Club brings this unsavory thought to the forefront. The rich always have influence and that influence brings power. If misused, it can be terrifying. And this is exactly what this novel is ... terrifyingly good!” - Reviewed By Rabia Tanveer for Readers’ Favorite

“A thoroughly thrilling read, The Krakow Klub depicts a world that may not be all that far away.” - Reviewed by Red City Review

My Review:

What an intriguing novel! Elrod took me on a whirlwind of suspense and SciFi adventure. I enjoyed the technical aspects of the novel as well as the imaginative ones. Elrod’s detailed descriptions allowed me to picture each of the different aspects of the novel in clarity. The narrative was intricate without being overbearing.

Elrod definitely brings out the effects of power on various personality types. Their actions and reactions developed them on many levels, allowing me to get a feel for them. At the same time, the technicality with which Elrod builds his world translates over to his character development. It made them seem less than realistic and hard to identify with.

As a whole, this was a unique and intriguing novel that had me thinking. Elrod’s technical writing works for his world building, but made the characters difficult for me to connect with.

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