Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Exposed Ecstasy by Houston Havens

Title:  Exposed Ecstasy
Series:  Psychic Menage #3
Author:  Houston Havens
Published:  December 15/14 by Syn Publishing
Length:  304pgs
Format:  ARC ecopy
Genre:  SciFi erotic romance
Shelf:  review
Rating: ★★★★

Back Cover Blurb:

Daughter of the Dirt Dweller’s ruler; Tessla Reto attempts to escape the Underworld after the mysterious disappearance of her best friend. She knows her untimely death is also near if her father, Landen Reto discovers her part in forming the rebels to fight against him. The two men sent to help her get away are killed and she’s rescued by a handsome stranger…or is she?

Faerydae returns to Earth in search of an inner peace his soul can’t find after the death of his friend Chandra Lamar. Instead, he finds himself in an unplanned rescue of a woman that stirs everything he’s fought a lifetime to deny. Can Faerydae stay focused on his goal to expose his past and true Fae bloodline, or will destiny play her hand?
Shomar’s uncomplicated world is tossed asunder when his best friend, Faerydae, shows up with a stray puppy and a woman who steals the heart of his soul the moment he looks at her. Only to discover Faerydae and the woman claim they can’t stand each other, yet his intuition tells him otherwise. Will Shomar be able to win the woman of his dreams or will Faerydae always have her heart?

Will Tessla find her freedom? Will Faerydae keep his, or will Shomar succeed in his plan to expose them to their hidden ecstasy?

My Review:

I appreciated how much better we get to know many of the races in this novel. The Fae are very well developed here, becoming more than just the shadow myth from the previous novels. The Star Riders also seem much more real, and less barbaric, although still very Alpha dominant now that we know them better. There was also an in-depth history of the world that’s quite interesting on its own and also puts a lot into context. This is all wrapped up in the same fast paced, heated package that we’ve come to know this series for.

We’ve met most of the main characters in this novel previously. Getting to know them much more personally and in a deeper context was quite enjoyable. Tessla and Shomar were fantastic. They were brilliant, strong characters. Faerydae’s massive mood swings did take a bit of getting used to, but he definitely grew on me and I can see why Tessla loves him so much. Seeing him come out of his shell was enlightening.

This is definitely a brilliant sci-fi/dystopian romance that I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend to others. I will suggest, however, that you read the series in order otherwise you will find yourself somewhat lost. I’ll also be waiting very expectantly for the 4th novel in this series. I can’t wait for more of this fantastic world that Havens has built. And the lead in to it in the last chapter of this novel has me on pins & needles.

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